਍㰀猀琀礀氀攀 琀礀瀀攀㴀∀琀攀砀琀⼀挀猀猀∀㸀ഀഀ .BODY { background-color: #EAF1F7; background-image: url('images/gtbh.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: center; color: #0066CC;} ਍⸀䌀㄀笀琀攀砀琀ⴀ愀氀椀最渀㨀 樀甀猀琀椀昀礀㬀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀  㘀㘀䌀䌀㬀䘀伀一吀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 匀䴀䄀䰀䰀㬀䘀伀一吀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 吀愀栀漀洀愀㬀紀ഀഀ .BIB{text-align: center;color: #000099;FONT-size: SMALL;FONT-family: Tahoma;} ਍⸀䌀伀一吀笀琀攀砀琀ⴀ愀氀椀最渀㨀 爀椀最栀琀㬀挀漀氀漀爀㨀 ⌀䘀䘀    㬀䘀伀一吀ⴀ猀椀稀攀㨀 匀䴀䄀䰀䰀㬀䘀伀一吀ⴀ昀愀洀椀氀礀㨀 吀愀栀漀洀愀㬀紀ഀഀ ਍㰀䴀䔀吀䄀 栀琀琀瀀ⴀ攀焀甀椀瘀㴀∀挀漀渀琀攀渀琀ⴀ琀礀瀀攀∀ 挀漀渀琀攀渀琀㴀∀琀攀砀琀⼀栀琀洀氀㬀 挀栀愀爀猀攀琀㴀唀吀䘀ⴀ㠀∀㸀㰀⼀䠀䔀䄀䐀㸀ഀഀ ਍㰀䘀伀一吀 䄀䰀䤀䜀一㴀∀䨀唀匀吀䤀䘀夀∀ 䘀䄀䌀䔀㴀∀吀愀栀漀洀愀∀㸀ഀഀ

ANANDPUR SĀHIB RESOLUTION, a frequently invoked document of modern Sikhism pronouncing its religious rule as well as its political goal. After having enjoyed power under chief ministers, Gurnām Siṅgh and Parkāsh Siṅgh Bādal in the Punjab, newly demarcated in 1966, Sikhs as represented by their premier political party, the Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal, were able to capture only one seat at the elections to Indian Parliament (1971) from among the 13 which were Punjab's portion. In the Punjab Assembly elections which took place in March 1972 their tally was a mere 24 seats out of a total of 117, and the Punjab Government passed into the hands of the Congress Party, with Giānī Zail Siṅgh (later, President of India) as chief minister. This electoral debacle led to self-introspection on the part of the Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal which appointed on 11 December 1972 a sub-committee to reflect upon the situation and to proclaim afresh the programme and policies of the Dal. The 12-member committee consisted of Surjīt Siṅgh Barnālā, Gurcharan Siṅgh Ṭauhṛā, Jīwan Siṅgh Umrānaṅgal, Gurmeet Siṅgh, Dr Bhagat Siṅgh, Balwant Siṅgh, Giān Siṅgh Rāṛewālā, Amar Siṅgh Ambālavī, Prem Siṅgh Lālpurā, Jaswinder Siṅgh Brāṛ, Bhāg Siṅgh, and Major General Gurbakhsh Siṅgh of Badhaṇī. The first meeting of the sub-committee took place at Amritsar. The venue then shifted to Chaṇḍigaṛh where the committee completed its task in ten successive meetings. Counsel was available to the sub-committee of the celebrated Sikh intellectual and thinker, Sardār Kapūr Siṅgh, whose impress the draft emerging finally from its deliberations carried. The document was adopted unanimously by the working committee of the Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal at a meeting held at Anandpur Sāhib, town sacred to Gurū Gobind Siṅgh, also reverenced by Sikhs as the birthplace of the Khālsā. Since it was adopted at Anandpur Sāhib (October 16-17, 1973) the resolution came to be known as the Anandpur Sāhib Resolution. It was endorsed in the form of a succession of resolutions at the 18th All-India Akālī Conference of the Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal at Ludhiāṇā on 28-29 October 1978. An English version of the resolution is quoted below :

਍㰀戀氀漀挀欀焀甀漀琀攀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀圀栀攀爀攀愀猀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 匀椀欀栀猀 漀昀 䤀渀搀椀愀 愀爀攀 愀 栀椀猀琀漀爀椀挀愀氀氀礀 爀攀挀漀最渀椀稀攀搀 瀀漀氀椀琀椀挀愀氀 渀愀琀椀漀渀 攀瘀攀爀 猀椀渀挀攀 琀栀攀 椀渀愀甀最甀爀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 琀栀攀 㰀甀㸀䬀栀㰀⼀甀㸀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀猀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀 椀渀 䄀䐀 ㄀㘀㤀㤀Ⰰ 愀渀搀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        Whereas, this status of the Sikh nation had been internationally recognized and accepted by the major powers of Europe and Asia, viz. France, England, Italy, Russia, China, Persia (now Iran), Afghanistan, Nepal, and the Company Bahadur, Fort William, Calcutta, till the middle of the 19th century, and again by the outgoing British as well as by the Hindu dominated Congress and the Muslim League of India in the middle of the 20th century, and

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀圀栀攀爀攀愀猀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 戀爀甀琀攀 洀愀樀漀爀椀琀礀 椀渀 䤀渀搀椀愀Ⰰ 椀渀 ㄀㤀㔀 Ⰰ 椀洀瀀漀猀攀搀 愀 挀漀渀猀琀椀琀甀琀椀漀渀愀氀 愀爀爀愀渀最攀洀攀渀琀 椀渀 䤀渀搀椀愀 眀栀椀挀栀 搀攀渀甀搀攀猀 琀栀攀 匀椀欀栀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀椀爀 瀀漀氀椀琀椀挀愀氀 椀搀攀渀琀椀琀礀 愀渀搀 挀甀氀琀甀爀愀氀 瀀漀瀀甀氀愀爀椀琀礀Ⰰ 琀栀甀猀 氀椀焀甀椀搀愀琀椀渀最 琀栀攀 匀椀欀栀猀 瀀漀氀椀琀椀挀愀氀氀礀 愀渀搀 攀砀瀀漀猀椀渀最 琀栀攀洀 琀漀 猀瀀椀爀椀琀甀愀氀 搀攀愀琀栀 愀渀搀 挀甀氀琀甀爀愀氀 搀攀挀愀礀 氀攀愀搀椀渀最 椀渀攀瘀椀琀愀戀氀礀 琀漀 琀栀攀椀爀 猀甀戀洀攀爀最攀渀挀攀 愀渀搀 搀椀猀猀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀 椀渀琀漀 琀栀攀 猀愀氀琀椀猀栀 猀攀愀 眀愀琀攀爀猀 漀昀 椀渀挀漀栀攀爀攀渀琀 䠀椀渀搀甀椀猀洀Ⰰ 愀渀搀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        Whereas, the Sikhs have been thus shackled and enslaved in unethical and cynical repudiation of solemn and binding commitments and public promises earlier made to the Sikhs, while the Sikh representatives in the Indian Constituent Assembly, in 1950, refused to affix their signatures to the official copy of the Indian Constitutional Act thus promulgated, the Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal in the name and on behalf of the Sikhs proclaims that the Sikhs are determined, by all legitimate means, to extricate and free themselves from this degrading and death dealing situation so as to ensure firmly their honourable survival and salvage their inherent dignity within India and their birthright to influence meaningfully the mainstream of world history. The Sikhs therefore demand, firstly, that an autonomous region in the north of India should be set up forthwith wherein the Sikh interests are constitutionally recognized as the fundamental State policy. Secondly, that this autonomous region includes the present Punjab, Karnāl and Ambālā districts of Haryāṇā, inclusive of Kāṅgṛā district of Himāchal Pradesh, Chaṇḍigaṛh, Pinjore, Kālkā, Dalhousie, Nālāgaṛh Desh, Sirsā, Gūhlā and Ratīā areas and Gaṅgānāgar district of Rājasthān, thus bringing main contiguous Sikh population and Sikh habitats within this autonomous Sikh region as an integral part of the Union of India, and, thirdly, this Sikh autonomous region may be declared as entitled to frame its own internal constitution on the basis of having all powers to and for itself except Foreign Relations, Defence, Currency and General Communications which will remain subjects within the jurisdiction of the Federal Indian Government.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀∀䴀䄀夀 吀䠀䔀 刀䤀䐀䔀刀 伀䘀 吀䠀䔀 䈀䰀唀䔀 䠀伀刀匀䔀 䠀䔀䰀倀 唀匀⸀ ∀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ


਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀䄀⸀ 䈀䄀匀䤀䌀 倀伀匀吀唀䰀䄀吀䔀匀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        1. The Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal is the very embodiment of the hopes and aspirations of the Sikhs and as such is fully entitled to its representation. The basic postulates of this organization are human co-existence, human welfare and the ultimate unity of all human beings with the Lord.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㈀⸀ ऀ吀栀攀猀攀 瀀漀猀琀甀氀愀琀攀猀 愀爀攀 戀愀猀攀搀 甀瀀漀渀 琀栀攀 琀栀爀攀攀 最爀攀愀琀 瀀爀椀渀挀椀瀀氀攀猀 漀昀 匀爀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䜀甀爀☀⌀㌀㘀㌀ 一☀⌀㈀㔀㜀渀愀欀 䐀攀瘀 䨀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀Ⰰ 渀愀洀攀氀礀 㰀椀㸀渀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀洀 樀愀瀀漀Ⰰ 䬀椀爀愀琀 䬀愀爀漀㰀⼀椀㸀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 㰀椀㸀瘀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㜀㘀㤀㌀ 挀栀栀愀欀漀㰀⼀椀㸀Ⰰ 椀⸀ 攀⸀ 洀攀搀椀琀愀琀椀漀渀 漀渀 䜀漀搀✀猀 一愀洀攀Ⰰ 栀漀渀攀猀琀 氀愀戀漀甀爀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 猀栀愀爀椀渀最  琀栀攀 昀爀甀椀琀猀 漀昀 琀栀椀猀 氀愀戀漀甀爀 眀椀琀栀 琀栀攀 渀攀攀搀礀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        B. PURPOSES

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀吀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 猀栀愀氀氀 攀瘀攀爀 猀琀爀椀瘀攀 琀漀 愀挀栀椀攀瘀攀 琀栀攀 昀漀氀氀漀眀椀渀最 愀椀洀猀㨀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        1. Propagation of Sikhism, its ethical values and code of conduct to combat atheism.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㈀⸀ ऀ倀爀攀猀攀爀瘀愀琀椀漀渀 愀渀搀 欀攀攀瀀椀渀最 愀氀椀瘀攀 琀栀攀 挀漀渀挀攀瀀琀 漀昀 搀椀猀琀椀渀挀琀 愀渀搀 猀漀瘀攀爀攀椀最渀 椀搀攀渀琀椀琀礀 漀昀 琀栀攀 倀愀渀琀栀 愀渀搀 戀甀椀氀搀椀渀最 甀瀀 漀昀 愀瀀瀀爀漀瀀爀椀愀琀攀 挀漀渀搀椀琀椀漀渀猀 椀渀 眀栀椀挀栀 琀栀攀 渀愀琀椀漀渀愀氀 猀攀渀琀椀洀攀渀琀猀 愀渀搀 愀猀瀀椀爀愀琀椀漀渀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 匀椀欀栀 倀愀渀琀栀 眀椀氀氀 昀椀渀搀 昀甀氀氀 攀砀瀀爀攀猀猀椀漀渀Ⰰ 猀愀琀椀猀昀愀挀琀椀漀渀 愀渀搀 昀愀挀椀氀椀琀椀攀猀 昀漀爀 最爀漀眀琀栀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        3. Eradication of poverty and starvation through increased production and more equitable distribution of wealth as also the establishment of a just social order sans exploitation of any kind.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㐀⸀ ऀ嘀愀挀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 搀椀猀挀爀椀洀椀渀愀琀椀漀渀 漀渀 琀栀攀 戀愀猀椀猀 漀昀 挀愀猀琀攀Ⰰ 挀爀攀攀搀 漀爀 愀渀礀 漀琀栀攀爀 最爀漀甀渀搀 椀渀 欀攀攀瀀椀渀最 眀椀琀栀 琀栀攀 戀愀猀椀挀 瀀爀椀渀挀椀瀀氀攀猀 漀昀 匀椀欀栀椀猀洀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        5. Removal of disease and ill health, checking the use of intoxicants and provision of full facilities for the growth of physical well-being so as to prepare and enthuse the Sikh Nation for the national defence. For the achievement of the aforesaid purposes, the Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal owned it as its primary duty to inculcate among the Sikhs religious fervour and a sense of pride in their great socio-spiritual heritage through the following measures :

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㔀⸀㄀ ऀ刀攀椀琀攀爀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 琀栀攀 挀漀渀挀攀瀀琀 漀昀 甀渀椀挀椀琀礀 漀昀 䜀漀搀Ⰰ 洀攀搀椀琀愀琀椀漀渀 漀渀 䠀椀猀 一愀洀攀Ⰰ 爀攀挀椀琀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 㰀椀㸀最甀爀戀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀㰀⼀椀㸀Ⰰ 椀渀挀甀氀挀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 昀愀椀琀栀 椀渀 琀栀攀 琀攀渀 栀漀氀礀 匀椀欀栀 䜀甀爀☀⌀㌀㘀㌀猀 愀猀 眀攀氀氀 愀猀 椀渀 䜀甀爀☀⌀㌀㘀㌀ 䜀爀愀渀琀栀 匀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀栀椀戀 愀渀搀 漀琀栀攀爀   愀瀀瀀爀漀瀀爀椀愀琀攀 洀攀愀猀甀爀攀猀 昀漀爀 猀甀挀栀 愀 瀀甀爀瀀漀猀攀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        5.2 Grooming at the Sikh Missionary College the Sikh youth with inherent potential to become accomplished preachers, rāgīs, ḍhāḍīs and poets so that the propagation of Sikhism, its tenets and traditions and its basic religious values could be taken up more effectively and vigorously.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㔀⸀㌀ 䈀愀瀀琀椀猀椀渀最 琀栀攀 匀椀欀栀猀 漀渀 愀 洀愀猀猀 猀挀愀氀攀 眀椀琀栀 瀀愀爀琀椀挀甀氀愀爀 攀洀瀀栀愀猀椀猀 漀渀 猀挀栀漀漀氀猀 愀渀搀 挀漀氀氀攀最攀猀 眀栀攀爀攀椀渀 琀栀攀 琀攀愀挀栀攀爀猀 愀猀 眀攀氀氀 愀猀 琀栀攀 琀愀甀最栀琀 猀栀愀氀氀 戀攀 攀渀琀栀甀猀攀搀 琀栀爀漀甀最栀 爀攀最甀氀愀爀 猀琀甀搀礀 挀椀爀挀氀攀猀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        5.4 Revival of the religious institution of dasvandh among the Sikhs.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㔀⸀㔀 ऀ䜀攀渀攀爀愀琀椀渀最 愀 昀攀攀氀椀渀最 漀昀 爀攀猀瀀攀挀琀 昀漀爀 匀椀欀栀 椀渀琀攀氀氀攀挀琀甀愀氀猀 椀渀挀氀甀搀椀渀最 眀爀椀琀攀爀猀 愀渀搀 瀀爀攀愀挀栀攀爀猀Ⰰ 眀栀漀 愀氀猀漀 眀漀甀氀搀 戀攀 攀渀琀栀甀猀攀搀 琀漀 椀洀瀀爀漀瘀攀 甀瀀漀渀 琀栀攀椀爀 愀挀挀漀洀瀀氀椀猀栀洀攀渀琀猀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        Streamlining the administration of the gurdwārās by giving better training to their workers. Appropriate steps would also be taken to maintain gurdwārā buildings in proper condition. The representatives of the party in the Shiromaṇī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee would be directed to pull their weight towards these ends.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㔀⸀㘀 ऀ䴀愀欀椀渀最 猀甀椀琀愀戀氀攀 愀爀爀愀渀最攀洀攀渀琀猀 昀漀爀 攀爀爀漀爀ⴀ昀爀攀攀 瀀甀戀氀椀挀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 㰀椀㸀最甀爀戀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀㰀⼀椀㸀Ⰰ 瀀爀漀洀漀琀椀渀最 爀攀猀攀愀爀挀栀 椀渀  琀栀攀 愀渀挀椀攀渀琀 愀渀搀 洀漀搀攀爀渀 匀椀欀栀 栀椀猀琀漀爀礀Ⰰ 琀爀愀渀猀氀愀琀椀渀最 栀漀氀礀 㰀椀㸀最甀爀戀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀㰀⼀椀㸀 椀渀琀漀 漀琀栀攀爀 氀愀渀最甀愀最攀猀 愀渀搀 瀀爀漀搀甀挀椀渀最 昀椀爀猀琀ⴀ爀愀琀攀 氀椀琀攀爀愀琀甀爀攀 漀渀 匀椀欀栀椀猀洀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        5.7 Taking appropriate measures for the enactment of an All-India Gurdwārās Act with a view to improving the administration of the gurdwārās throughout the country and to reintegrate the traditional preaching sects of Sikhism like Udāsīs and Nirmalās, without in any way encroaching upon the properties of their maṭhs. .

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㔀⸀㠀 ऀऀ吀愀欀椀渀最 渀攀挀攀猀猀愀爀礀 猀琀攀瀀猀 琀漀 戀爀椀渀最 琀栀攀 匀椀欀栀 㰀椀㸀最甀爀搀眀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀爀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀猀㰀⼀椀㸀 愀氀氀 漀瘀攀爀 琀栀攀 眀漀爀氀搀 甀渀搀攀爀 愀 猀椀渀最氀攀 猀礀猀琀攀洀 漀昀 愀搀洀椀渀椀猀琀爀愀琀椀漀渀 眀椀琀栀 愀 瘀椀攀眀 琀漀 爀甀渀渀椀渀最 琀栀攀洀 愀挀挀漀爀搀椀渀最 琀漀 琀栀攀 戀愀猀椀挀 匀椀欀栀 昀漀爀洀猀 愀渀搀 琀漀 瀀漀漀氀 琀栀攀椀爀 爀攀猀漀甀爀挀攀猀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 瀀爀漀瀀愀最愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 匀椀欀栀椀猀洀 漀渀 愀 眀椀搀攀爀 愀渀搀 洀漀爀攀 椀洀瀀爀攀猀猀椀瘀攀 猀挀愀氀攀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        5.9 Striving for free access to all those holy Sikh shrines, including Nankāṇā Sāhib, from which the Sikh Panth has been separated, for their pilgrimage and proper upkeep.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㰀⼀戀氀漀挀欀焀甀漀琀攀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ


਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀吀栀攀 瀀漀氀椀琀椀挀愀氀 最漀愀氀 漀昀 琀栀攀 倀愀渀琀栀Ⰰ 眀椀琀栀漀甀琀 愀渀礀 搀漀甀戀琀Ⰰ 椀猀 攀渀猀栀爀椀渀攀搀 椀渀 琀栀攀 䌀漀洀洀愀渀搀洀攀渀琀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 吀攀渀琀栀 䰀漀爀搀Ⰰ 椀渀 琀栀攀 瀀愀最攀猀 漀昀 匀椀欀栀 栀椀猀琀漀爀礀 愀渀搀 椀渀 琀栀攀 瘀攀爀礀 栀攀愀爀琀 漀昀 琀栀攀 㰀甀㸀䬀栀㰀⼀甀㸀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀猀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀 倀愀渀琀栀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 甀氀琀椀洀愀琀攀 愀椀洀 漀昀 眀栀椀挀栀 椀猀 琀栀攀 瀀爀攀ⴀ攀洀椀渀攀渀挀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 㰀甀㸀䬀栀㰀⼀甀㸀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀猀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀 ⠀㰀椀㸀㰀甀㸀䬀䠀㰀⼀甀㸀☀⌀㈀㔀㘀䰀匀☀⌀㈀㔀㘀 䨀☀⌀㈀㤀㠀 䬀䔀 䈀伀䰀 䈀☀⌀㈀㔀㘀䰀䔀㰀⼀椀㸀⤀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        The fundamental policy of the Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal is to seek the realization of this birthright of the Khālsā through the creation of a geographical entity and a constitutional set-up of its own.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀䘀漀爀 琀栀攀 愀琀琀愀椀渀洀攀渀琀 漀昀 琀栀椀猀 愀椀洀 ⴀ㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        1. The Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal is determined to strive by all possible means to

਍㰀戀氀漀挀欀焀甀漀琀攀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀⠀愀⤀ ऀ䠀愀瘀攀 愀氀氀 琀栀漀猀攀 倀甀渀樀愀戀椀ⴀ猀瀀攀愀欀椀渀最 愀爀攀愀猀Ⰰ 搀攀氀椀戀攀爀愀琀攀氀礀 欀攀瀀琀 漀甀琀 漀昀 倀甀渀樀愀戀Ⰰ 猀甀挀栀 愀猀 䐀愀氀栀漀甀猀椀攀 椀渀 䜀甀爀搀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀猀瀀甀爀 搀椀猀琀爀椀挀琀Ⰰ 䌀栀愀渀搀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀最愀☀⌀㜀㜀㜀㄀栀Ⰰ 倀椀渀樀漀爀攀Ⰰ 䬀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀 愀渀搀 䄀洀戀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀 匀愀搀愀爀Ⰰ 攀琀挀⸀ 椀渀 䄀洀戀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀 搀椀猀琀爀椀挀琀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 ☀⌀㌀㘀㈀渀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀 攀渀琀椀爀攀 㰀椀㸀琀愀栀猀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀氀㰀⼀椀㸀 漀昀 䠀漀猀栀椀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀爀瀀甀爀 搀椀猀琀爀椀挀琀Ⰰ 匀栀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀栀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀戀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀搀 愀渀搀 䜀☀⌀㌀㘀㌀栀氀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀 戀氀漀挀欀猀 漀昀 䬀愀爀渀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀 搀椀猀琀爀椀挀琀Ⰰ ☀⌀㜀㜀㠀㠀漀栀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀 猀甀戀ⴀ㰀椀㸀琀愀栀猀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀氀㰀⼀椀㸀Ⰰ 刀愀琀椀愀 戀氀漀挀欀 愀渀搀 匀椀爀猀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀 㰀椀㸀琀愀栀猀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀氀㰀⼀椀㸀 漀昀 䠀椀猀猀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀爀 搀椀猀琀爀椀挀琀 愀渀搀 猀椀砀 琀愀栀猀椀氀猀 漀昀 䜀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㐀㤀最☀⌀㈀㔀㜀渀愀最愀爀 搀椀猀琀爀椀挀琀 椀渀 刀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀樀愀猀琀栀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀渀Ⰰ 洀攀爀最攀搀 眀椀琀栀 倀甀渀樀愀戀 琀漀 挀漀渀猀琀椀琀甀琀攀 愀 猀椀渀最氀攀 愀搀洀椀渀椀猀琀爀愀琀椀瘀攀 甀渀椀琀 眀栀攀爀攀椀渀 琀栀攀 椀渀琀攀爀攀猀琀猀 漀昀 匀椀欀栀猀 愀渀搀 匀椀欀栀椀猀洀 愀爀攀 猀瀀攀挀椀昀椀挀愀氀氀礀 瀀爀漀琀攀挀琀攀搀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        (b) In this new Punjab (as in all other states) the Centre's interference would be restricted to Defence, Foreign Relations, Currency and Communications, all other departments being in the jurisdiction of Punjab (and other states) which would be fully entitled to frame their own Constitution. For the aforesaid departments of the Centre, Punjab (and other states) would contribute in proportion to their respective representation in Parliament.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀⠀挀⤀ ऀ吀栀攀 匀椀欀栀猀 愀渀搀 漀琀栀攀爀 洀椀渀漀爀椀琀椀攀猀 氀椀瘀椀渀最 漀甀琀猀椀搀攀 倀甀渀樀愀戀 猀栀漀甀氀搀 戀攀 愀搀攀焀甀愀琀攀氀礀 瀀爀漀琀攀挀琀攀搀 愀最愀椀渀猀琀 愀渀礀 欀椀渀搀 漀昀 搀椀猀挀爀椀洀椀渀愀琀椀漀渀 愀最愀椀渀猀琀 琀栀攀洀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ


਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㈀⸀ ऀ吀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 眀漀甀氀搀 愀氀猀漀 攀渀搀攀愀瘀漀甀爀 琀漀 栀愀瘀攀 琀栀攀 䤀渀搀椀愀渀 䌀漀渀猀琀椀琀甀琀椀漀渀 爀攀挀愀猀琀 漀渀 爀攀愀氀           䘀攀搀攀爀愀氀 瀀爀椀渀挀椀瀀氀攀猀 眀椀琀栀 攀焀甀愀氀 爀攀瀀爀攀猀攀渀琀愀琀椀漀渀 愀琀 琀栀攀 䌀攀渀琀爀攀 昀漀爀 愀氀氀 琀栀攀 匀琀愀琀攀猀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        3. The Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal strongly denounces the Foreign policy of India as framed by the Congress Party. It is worthless and highly detrimental to the interests of the country, its people and mankind at large. Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal shall extend its support only to such policies as are based upon the principles of peace and national interest. It strongly advocates a policy of peace with all neighbouring countries, particularly those which have within their borders Sikh population and Sikh shrines. The Akālī Dal is of the firm view that the foreign policy of India should in no case be one of playing second fiddle to any other country.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㐀⸀ ऀ吀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 猀栀愀氀氀 昀椀爀洀氀礀 爀攀猀椀猀琀 愀渀礀 搀椀猀挀爀椀洀椀渀愀琀椀漀渀 愀最愀椀渀猀琀 愀渀礀 匀椀欀栀 ⠀漀爀 攀瘀攀渀 漀琀栀攀爀⤀ 攀洀瀀氀漀礀攀攀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 䌀攀渀琀爀攀 漀爀 匀琀愀琀攀 最漀瘀攀爀渀洀攀渀琀 嬀漀渀 琀栀攀 戀愀猀椀猀 漀昀 栀椀猀 挀愀猀琀攀 漀爀 挀爀攀攀搀崀⸀ 䤀琀 猀栀愀氀氀 愀氀猀漀 攀渀搀攀愀瘀漀甀爀 琀漀 洀愀椀渀琀愀椀渀 琀栀攀 琀爀愀搀椀琀椀漀渀愀氀 瀀漀猀椀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 琀栀攀 匀椀欀栀猀 椀渀 愀氀氀 琀栀攀 眀椀渀最猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 䐀攀昀攀渀挀攀 猀攀爀瘀椀挀攀猀 愀渀搀 渀攀攀搀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 匀椀欀栀 愀爀洀礀 瀀攀爀猀漀渀渀攀氀 猀栀愀氀氀 戀攀 愀搀攀焀甀愀琀攀氀礀 琀愀欀攀渀 挀愀爀攀 漀昀 戀礀 琀栀攀 倀愀渀琀栀⸀ 吀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 猀栀愀氀氀 愀氀猀漀 攀渀猀甀爀攀 琀栀愀琀 㰀椀㸀欀椀爀瀀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀渀㰀⼀椀㸀 椀猀 愀挀挀攀瀀琀攀搀 愀猀 愀渀 椀渀琀攀最爀愀氀 瀀愀爀琀 漀昀 琀栀攀 甀渀椀昀漀爀洀 漀昀 琀栀攀 匀椀欀栀猀 椀渀 琀栀攀 䄀爀洀礀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        5. It shall be the primary obligation of the Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal to help rehabilitate ex-servicemen of the Defence forces in the civil life, and for such a purpose it would extend them every help to enable them to organize themselves and raise their voice in an effective way to gain adequate safeguards and concessions for an honourable and dignified life.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㘀⸀ ऀ吀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 椀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 昀椀爀洀 漀瀀椀渀椀漀渀 琀栀愀琀 愀氀氀 琀栀漀猀攀 瀀攀爀猀漀渀猀Ⰰ 椀渀挀氀甀搀椀渀最 眀漀洀攀渀Ⰰ 眀栀漀 栀愀瘀攀 渀漀琀 戀攀攀渀 挀漀渀瘀椀挀琀攀搀 漀昀 愀渀礀 挀爀椀洀椀渀愀氀 漀昀昀攀渀挀攀 戀礀 愀 挀漀甀爀琀 漀昀 氀愀眀 猀栀漀甀氀搀 栀愀瘀攀 琀栀攀 爀椀最栀琀 琀漀 瀀漀猀猀攀猀猀 愀渀礀 琀礀瀀攀 漀昀 猀洀愀氀氀 愀爀洀猀 氀椀欀攀 爀攀瘀漀氀瘀攀爀猀Ⰰ 最甀渀猀Ⰰ 瀀椀猀琀漀氀猀Ⰰ 爀椀昀氀攀猀Ⰰ 挀愀爀戀椀渀攀猀Ⰰ 攀琀挀⸀ Ⰰ 眀椀琀栀漀甀琀 愀渀礀 氀椀挀攀渀猀攀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 漀渀氀礀 漀戀氀椀最愀琀椀漀渀 戀攀椀渀最 琀栀攀椀爀 爀攀最椀猀琀爀愀琀椀漀渀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        7. The Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal seeks ban on the sale of liquor and all other kinds of intoxicants, and shall press for a ban on the consumption of intoxicants and smoking in public places.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀䄀瀀愀爀琀 昀爀漀洀 搀攀昀椀渀椀渀最 琀栀攀 戀愀猀椀挀 瀀漀猀琀甀氀愀琀攀猀 愀渀搀 瀀爀椀渀挀椀瀀氀攀猀 漀昀 瀀漀氀椀挀椀攀猀 愀渀搀 椀琀猀 甀氀琀椀洀愀琀攀 最漀愀氀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 漀瀀攀渀 猀攀猀猀椀漀渀 漀昀 琀栀攀 䜀攀渀攀爀愀氀 䠀漀甀猀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀Ⰰ 栀攀氀搀 愀琀 䰀甀搀栀椀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀Ⰰ 愀氀猀漀 琀爀愀挀攀搀 琀栀攀 漀甀琀氀椀渀攀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 氀漀渀最 琀攀爀洀 猀漀挀椀漀ⴀ攀挀漀渀漀洀椀挀 愀渀搀 挀甀氀琀甀爀愀氀 愀椀洀猀 愀渀搀 漀戀樀攀挀琀椀瘀攀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 倀愀爀琀礀Ⰰ 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 愀琀琀愀椀渀洀攀渀琀 漀昀 眀栀椀挀栀 椀琀 愀搀漀瀀琀攀搀 琀眀攀氀瘀攀 猀甀戀ⴀ爀攀猀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀猀⸀ 䄀 挀氀漀猀攀爀 愀渀愀氀礀猀椀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀猀攀 猀甀戀ⴀ爀攀猀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀猀 猀栀漀眀猀 琀栀愀琀 眀栀椀氀攀 琀栀攀 挀漀爀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 戀愀猀椀挀 爀攀猀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀猀 瀀愀猀猀攀搀 戀礀 椀琀猀 眀漀爀欀椀渀最 挀漀洀洀椀琀琀攀攀 愀琀 䄀渀愀渀搀瀀甀爀 匀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀栀椀戀 椀渀 ㄀㤀㜀㌀Ⰰ 渀愀洀攀氀礀 琀栀攀 愀琀琀愀椀渀洀攀渀琀 漀昀 猀瀀攀挀椀愀氀 䌀漀渀猀琀椀琀甀琀椀漀渀愀氀 猀琀愀琀攀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 匀椀欀栀猀 琀漀 攀渀猀甀爀攀 琀栀攀椀爀 最爀漀眀琀栀 椀渀 愀挀挀漀爀搀愀渀挀攀 眀椀琀栀 琀栀攀椀爀 漀眀渀 猀漀挀椀漀ⴀ猀瀀椀爀椀琀甀愀氀 琀爀愀搀椀琀椀漀渀猀 愀渀搀 琀攀渀攀琀猀 眀愀猀 昀甀氀氀礀 攀渀搀漀爀猀攀搀 戀礀 琀栀攀 䜀攀渀攀爀愀氀 䠀漀甀猀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 猀挀漀瀀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 最爀攀愀琀攀爀 愀甀琀漀渀漀洀礀 琀漀 琀栀攀 猀琀愀琀攀 漀昀 倀甀渀樀愀戀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 愀昀漀爀攀猀愀椀搀 瀀甀爀瀀漀猀攀 眀愀猀 眀椀搀攀渀攀搀 琀漀 椀渀挀氀甀搀攀 愀氀氀 琀栀攀 猀琀愀琀攀猀⸀ 吀栀甀猀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 猀栀愀瀀攀 愀渀搀 猀挀漀瀀攀⸀ 漀昀 琀栀攀 䄀渀愀渀搀瀀甀爀 匀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀栀椀戀 爀攀猀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀 愀猀 椀琀 昀椀渀愀氀氀礀 攀洀攀爀最攀搀 漀甀琀 漀昀 琀栀攀 䰀甀搀栀椀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀 洀攀攀琀 漀昀 琀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 攀渀瘀椀猀愀最攀猀 㨀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        1. The attainment of pre-eminence of the Khālsā through special constitutional safeguards and powers for the Sikhs.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㈀⸀ ऀ䜀爀攀愀琀攀爀 愀甀琀漀渀漀洀礀 琀漀 愀氀氀 琀栀攀 猀琀愀琀攀猀 戀礀 爀攀挀愀猀琀椀渀最 琀栀攀 䌀攀渀琀爀攀 ⴀ 匀琀愀琀攀 爀攀氀愀琀椀漀渀猀 漀渀 琀栀攀 戀愀猀椀猀 漀昀 氀椀洀椀琀攀搀 瀀漀眀攀爀猀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 䌀攀渀琀爀攀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        Resolutions adopted, in the light of the Anandpur Sāhib Resolution, at the open session of the 18th All India Akālī Conference held at Ludhiānā on October 28-29, 1978, under the presidentship of Jathedār Jagdev Siṅgh Talvaṇḍī are as under :

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㰀⼀戀氀漀挀欀焀甀漀琀攀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        Resolution No. I

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀䴀漀瘀攀搀 戀礀 匀愀爀搀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀爀 䜀甀爀挀栀愀爀愀渀 匀椀☀⌀㜀㜀㐀㤀最栀 ☀⌀㜀㜀㠀㠀愀甀栀☀⌀㜀㜀㜀㄀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀Ⰰ 倀爀攀猀椀搀攀渀琀Ⰰ 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䜀甀爀搀眀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀爀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀 倀愀爀戀愀渀搀栀愀欀 䌀漀洀洀椀琀琀攀攀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 攀渀搀漀爀猀攀搀 戀礀 匀愀爀搀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀爀 倀愀爀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀猀栀 匀椀☀⌀㜀㜀㐀㤀最栀 䈀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀搀愀氀Ⰰ 䌀栀椀攀昀 䴀椀渀椀猀琀攀爀Ⰰ 倀甀渀樀愀戀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        The Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal realizes that India is a federal and republican geographical entity of different languages, religions and cultures. To safeguard the fundamental rights of the religious and linguistic minorities, to fulfil the demands of the democratic traditions and to pave the way for economic progress, it has become imperative that the Indian constitutional infrastructure should be given a real federal shape by redefining the Central and State relations and rights on the lines of the aforesaid principles and objectives.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀吀栀攀 挀漀渀挀攀瀀琀 漀昀 琀漀琀愀氀 爀攀瘀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀 最椀瘀攀渀 戀礀 䰀漀欀 一☀⌀㈀㔀㜀椀欀 䨀愀礀愀 倀愀爀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀猀栀 一愀爀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀椀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀ 椀猀 愀氀猀漀 戀愀猀攀搀 甀瀀漀渀 琀栀攀 瀀爀漀最爀攀猀猀椀瘀攀 搀攀挀攀渀琀爀愀氀椀稀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 瀀漀眀攀爀猀⸀ 吀栀攀 挀氀椀洀愀砀 漀昀 琀栀攀 瀀爀漀挀攀猀猀 漀昀 挀攀渀琀爀愀氀椀稀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 瀀漀眀攀爀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 猀琀愀琀攀猀 琀栀爀漀甀最栀 爀攀瀀攀愀琀攀搀 愀洀攀渀搀洀攀渀琀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 䌀漀渀猀琀椀琀甀琀椀漀渀 搀甀爀椀渀最 琀栀攀 䌀漀渀最爀攀猀猀 爀攀最椀洀攀 挀愀洀攀 戀攀昀漀爀攀 琀栀攀 挀漀甀渀琀爀礀洀攀渀 椀渀 琀栀攀 昀漀爀洀 漀昀 琀栀攀 䔀洀攀爀最攀渀挀礀 ⠀㄀㤀㜀㔀⤀Ⰰ 眀栀攀渀 愀氀氀 昀甀渀搀愀洀攀渀琀愀氀 爀椀最栀琀猀 漀昀 愀氀氀 挀椀琀椀稀攀渀猀 眀攀爀攀 甀猀甀爀瀀攀搀⸀ 䤀琀 眀愀猀 琀栀攀渀 琀栀愀琀 琀栀攀 瀀爀漀最爀愀洀洀攀 漀昀 搀攀挀攀渀琀爀愀氀椀稀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 瀀漀眀攀爀猀 攀瘀攀爀 愀搀瘀漀挀愀琀攀搀 戀礀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 眀愀猀 漀瀀攀渀氀礀 愀挀挀攀瀀琀攀搀 愀渀搀 愀搀漀瀀琀攀搀 戀礀 漀琀栀攀爀 瀀漀氀椀琀椀挀愀氀 瀀愀爀琀椀攀猀 椀渀挀氀甀搀椀渀最 䨀愀渀愀琀愀 倀愀爀琀礀Ⰰ 䌀⸀ 倀⸀ 䤀⸀ ⠀䴀⤀Ⰰ 䐀⸀ 䴀⸀ 䬀⸀ Ⰰ 攀琀挀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal has ever stood firm on this principle and that is why after a very careful consideration it unanimously adopted a resolution to this effect first at the All-India Akālī Conference, Baṭālā, then at Anandpur Sāhib which has endorsed the principle of State autonomy in keeping with the concept of federalism.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀䄀猀 猀甀挀栀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 攀洀瀀栀愀琀椀挀愀氀氀礀 甀爀最攀猀 甀瀀漀渀 琀栀攀 䨀愀渀愀琀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀 䜀漀瘀攀爀渀洀攀渀琀 琀漀 琀愀欀攀 挀漀最渀椀稀愀渀挀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 搀椀昀昀攀爀攀渀琀 氀椀渀最甀椀猀琀椀挀 愀渀搀 挀甀氀琀甀爀愀氀 猀攀挀琀椀漀渀猀Ⰰ 爀攀氀椀最椀漀甀猀 洀椀渀漀爀椀琀椀攀猀 愀猀 愀氀猀漀 琀栀攀 瘀漀椀挀攀 漀昀 洀椀氀氀椀漀渀猀 漀昀 瀀攀漀瀀氀攀 愀渀搀 爀攀挀愀猀琀 琀栀攀 挀漀渀猀琀椀琀甀琀椀漀渀愀氀 猀琀爀甀挀琀甀爀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 挀漀甀渀琀爀礀 漀渀 爀攀愀氀 愀渀搀 洀攀愀渀椀渀最昀甀氀 昀攀搀攀爀愀氀 瀀爀椀渀挀椀瀀氀攀猀 琀漀 漀戀瘀椀愀琀攀 琀栀攀 瀀漀猀猀椀戀椀氀椀琀礀 漀昀 愀渀礀 搀愀渀最攀爀 琀漀 琀栀攀 甀渀椀琀礀 愀渀搀 椀渀琀攀最爀椀琀礀 漀昀 琀栀攀 挀漀甀渀琀爀礀 愀渀搀Ⰰ 昀甀爀琀栀攀爀Ⰰ 琀漀 攀渀愀戀氀攀 琀栀攀 猀琀愀琀攀猀 琀漀 瀀氀愀礀 愀 甀猀攀昀甀氀 爀漀氀攀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 瀀爀漀最爀攀猀猀 愀渀搀 瀀爀漀猀瀀攀爀椀琀礀 漀昀 琀栀攀 䤀渀搀椀愀渀 瀀攀漀瀀氀攀 椀渀 琀栀攀椀爀 爀攀猀瀀攀挀琀椀瘀攀 愀爀攀愀猀 戀礀 愀 洀攀愀渀椀渀最昀甀氀 攀砀攀爀挀椀猀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀椀爀 瀀漀眀攀爀猀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        Resolution No. 2

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀吀栀椀猀 洀漀洀攀渀琀漀甀猀 洀攀攀琀椀渀最 漀昀 琀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 挀愀氀氀猀 甀瀀漀渀 琀栀攀 䜀漀瘀攀爀渀洀攀渀琀 漀昀 䤀渀搀椀愀 琀漀 攀砀愀洀椀渀攀 挀愀爀攀昀甀氀氀礀 琀栀攀 氀漀渀最 琀愀氀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 攀砀挀攀猀猀攀猀Ⰰ 眀爀漀渀最猀Ⰰ 椀氀氀攀最愀氀 愀挀琀椀漀渀猀 挀漀洀洀椀琀琀攀搀 嬀愀最愀椀渀猀琀 琀栀攀 匀椀欀栀猀崀 戀礀 琀栀攀 瀀爀攀瘀椀漀甀猀 䌀漀渀最爀攀猀猀 䜀漀瘀攀爀渀洀攀渀琀Ⰰ 洀漀爀攀 瀀愀爀琀椀挀甀氀愀爀氀礀 搀甀爀椀渀最 琀栀攀 䔀洀攀爀最攀渀挀礀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 琀爀礀 琀漀 昀椀渀搀 愀渀 攀愀爀氀礀 猀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀 琀漀 琀栀攀 昀漀氀氀漀眀椀渀最 瀀爀漀戀氀攀洀猀㨀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        (a) Chaṇḍīgaṛh originally raised as a Capital for Punjab should be handed over to Punjab.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀⠀戀⤀ ऀ吀栀攀 氀漀渀最ⴀ猀琀愀渀搀椀渀最 搀攀洀愀渀搀 漀昀 琀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 洀攀爀最攀爀 椀渀 倀甀渀樀愀戀 漀昀 琀栀攀 倀甀渀樀愀戀椀Ⰰⴀ 猀瀀攀愀欀椀渀最 愀爀攀愀猀Ⰰ 琀漀 戀攀 椀搀攀渀琀椀昀椀攀搀 戀礀 氀椀渀最甀椀猀琀椀挀 攀砀瀀攀爀琀猀 眀椀琀栀 瘀椀氀氀愀最攀 愀猀 愀 甀渀椀琀Ⰰ 猀栀漀甀氀搀 戀攀 挀漀渀挀攀搀攀搀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        (c) The control of headworks should continue to be vested in Punjab and, if need be, the Reorganization Act should be amended.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀⠀搀⤀ ऀ吀栀攀 愀爀戀椀琀爀愀爀礀 愀渀搀 甀渀樀甀猀琀 䄀眀愀爀搀 最椀瘀攀渀 戀礀 䴀爀猀⸀ 䤀渀搀椀爀愀 䜀愀渀搀栀椀 搀甀爀椀渀最 琀栀攀 䔀洀攀爀最攀渀挀礀 漀渀 琀栀攀 ऀ搀椀猀琀爀椀戀甀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 刀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀瘀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀ⴀ䈀攀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀猀 眀愀琀攀爀猀 猀栀漀甀氀搀 戀攀 爀攀瘀椀猀攀搀 漀渀 琀栀攀 甀渀椀瘀攀爀猀愀氀氀礀 愀挀挀攀瀀琀攀搀 渀漀爀洀猀 愀渀搀 ऀ瀀爀椀渀挀椀瀀氀攀猀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 樀甀猀琀椀挀攀 戀攀 搀漀渀攀 琀漀 倀甀渀樀愀戀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        (e) Keeping in view the special aptitudes and martial qualities of the Sikhs, the present ratio of their strength in the Army should be maintained.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀⠀昀⤀ऀ吀栀攀 攀砀挀攀猀猀攀猀 戀攀椀渀最 挀漀洀洀椀琀琀攀搀 漀渀 琀栀攀 猀攀琀琀氀攀爀猀 椀渀 琀栀攀 吀愀爀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 爀攀最椀漀渀 漀昀 琀栀攀 唀琀琀愀爀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀挀栀愀氀 倀爀愀搀攀猀栀 椀渀 琀栀攀 渀愀洀攀 漀昀 䰀愀渀搀 刀攀昀漀爀洀猀 猀栀漀甀氀搀 戀攀 瘀愀挀愀琀攀搀 戀礀 洀愀欀椀渀最 猀甀椀琀愀戀氀攀 愀洀攀渀搀洀攀渀琀猀 椀渀 琀栀攀 挀攀椀氀椀渀最 氀愀眀 漀渀 琀栀攀 䌀攀渀琀爀愀氀 最甀椀搀攀氀椀渀攀猀⸀ 㰀⼀戀氀漀挀欀焀甀漀琀攀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        Resolution No. 3

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀⠀䔀挀漀渀漀洀椀挀 倀漀氀椀挀礀 刀攀猀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀⤀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        The chief sources of inspiration of the economic policies and programme of the Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal are the secular, democratic and socialistic concepts of Gurū Nānak and Gurū Gobind Siṅgh. Our economic programme is based on three basic principles :

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀⠀愀⤀ऀ䐀椀最渀椀琀礀 漀昀 氀愀戀漀甀爀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        (b) An economic and social structure which provides for the uplift of the poor and depressed sections of society.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀⠀挀⤀ऀ唀渀愀戀愀琀攀搀 漀瀀瀀漀猀椀琀椀漀渀 琀漀 挀漀渀挀攀渀琀爀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 攀挀漀渀漀洀椀挀 愀渀搀 瀀漀氀椀琀椀挀愀氀 瀀漀眀攀爀 椀渀 琀栀攀 栀愀渀搀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 ऀ挀愀瀀椀琀愀氀椀猀琀猀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        While drafting its economic policies and programme, the Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal in its historic Anandpur Sāhib Resolution has laid particular stress on the need to break the monopolistic hold of the capitalists foisted on the Indian economy by 30 years of Congress rule in India. This capitalist hold enabled the Central government to assume all powers in its hands after the manner of Mughal imperialism. This was bound to thwart the economic progress of the states and injure the social and economic interests of the people. The Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal once again reiterates the Sikh way of life by resolving to fulfil the holy words of Gurū Nānak Dev :

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀∀䠀攀 愀氀漀渀攀 爀攀愀氀椀稀攀猀 琀栀攀 琀爀甀攀 瀀愀琀栀 眀栀漀 氀愀戀漀甀爀猀 栀漀渀攀猀琀氀礀 愀渀搀 猀栀愀爀攀猀 眀椀琀栀 漀琀栀攀爀猀 琀栀攀 昀爀甀椀琀猀 漀昀 琀栀愀琀 氀愀戀漀甀爀⸀ ∀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        This way of life is based upon three basic principles :

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀⠀椀⤀ ऀ䐀漀椀渀最 栀漀渀攀猀琀 氀愀戀漀甀爀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        (ii) Sharing with others the fruits of this labour, and

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀⠀椀椀椀⤀ऀ䴀攀搀椀琀愀琀椀漀渀 漀渀 琀栀攀 䰀漀爀搀✀猀 一愀洀攀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        The Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal calls upon the Central and the State governments to eradicate unemployment during the next ten years. While pursuing this aim, special emphasis should be laid on ameliorating the lot of the weaker sections, scheduled and depressed classes, workers, landless and poor farmers and urban poor. Minimum wages should be fixed for all of them.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀吀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 甀爀最攀猀 甀瀀漀渀 琀栀攀 倀甀渀樀愀戀 最漀瘀攀爀渀洀攀渀琀 琀漀 搀爀愀眀 甀瀀 猀甀挀栀 愀渀 攀挀漀渀漀洀椀挀 瀀氀愀渀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 猀琀愀琀攀 愀猀 眀漀甀氀搀 琀甀爀渀 椀琀 椀渀琀漀 琀栀攀 氀攀愀搀椀渀最 猀琀愀琀攀 搀甀爀椀渀最 琀栀攀 渀攀砀琀 琀攀渀 礀攀愀爀猀 戀礀 爀愀椀猀椀渀最 瀀攀爀 挀愀瀀椀琀愀 椀渀挀漀洀攀 琀漀 刀猀⸀ ㌀Ⰰ     愀渀搀 戀礀 最攀渀攀爀愀琀椀渀最 愀渀 攀挀漀渀漀洀椀挀 最爀漀眀琀栀 爀愀琀攀 漀昀 㜀─ 瀀攀爀 愀渀渀甀洀 愀猀 愀最愀椀渀猀琀 㐀─ 愀琀 琀栀攀 渀愀琀椀漀渀愀氀 氀攀瘀攀氀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        The Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal gives first priority to the redrafting of the taxation structure in such a way that the burden of taxation is shifted from the poor to the richer classes and an equitable distribution of national income ensured.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀吀栀攀 洀愀椀渀 瀀氀愀渀欀 漀昀 琀栀攀 攀挀漀渀漀洀椀挀 瀀爀漀最爀愀洀洀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 椀猀 琀漀 攀渀愀戀氀攀 琀栀攀 攀挀漀渀漀洀椀挀愀氀氀礀 眀攀愀欀攀爀 猀攀挀琀椀漀渀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 猀漀挀椀攀琀礀 琀漀 猀栀愀爀攀 琀栀攀 昀爀甀椀琀猀 漀昀 渀愀琀椀漀渀愀氀 椀渀挀漀洀攀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        The Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal calls upon the Central government to make an international airport at Amritsar which should also enjoy the facilities of a dry port. Similarly, a Stock Exchange should be opened at Ludhiāṇā to accelerate the process of industrialization and economic growth in the State. The Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal also desires that suitable amendments should be made in the Foreign Exchange rules for free exchange of foreign currencies and thereby removing the difficulties being faced by the Indian emigrants.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀吀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 攀洀瀀栀愀琀椀挀愀氀氀礀 甀爀最攀猀 甀瀀漀渀 琀栀攀 䤀渀搀椀愀渀 最漀瘀攀爀渀洀攀渀琀 琀漀 戀爀椀渀最 愀戀漀甀琀 瀀愀爀椀琀礀 戀攀琀眀攀攀渀 琀栀攀 瀀爀椀挀攀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 愀最爀椀挀甀氀琀甀爀愀氀 瀀爀漀搀甀挀攀 愀渀搀 琀栀愀琀 漀昀 琀栀攀 椀渀搀甀猀琀爀椀愀氀 爀愀眀 洀愀琀攀爀椀愀氀猀 猀漀 琀栀愀琀 琀栀攀 搀椀猀挀爀椀洀椀渀愀琀椀漀渀 愀最愀椀渀猀琀 猀甀挀栀 猀琀愀琀攀猀 愀猀 氀愀挀欀 琀栀攀猀攀 洀愀琀攀爀椀愀氀猀 洀愀礀 戀攀 爀攀洀漀瘀攀搀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        The Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal demands that the exploitation of the producers of cash crops like cotton, sugarcane, oil seeds, etc. , at the hands of traders should be stopped forthwith and for this purpose arrangements be made for purchase by government of these crops at remunerative prices. Besides, effective steps should be taken by government for the purchase of cotton through the Cotton Corporation.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀吀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 猀琀爀漀渀最氀礀 昀攀攀氀猀 琀栀愀琀 琀栀攀 洀漀猀琀 瀀爀攀猀猀椀渀最 渀愀琀椀漀渀愀氀 瀀爀漀戀氀攀洀 椀猀 琀栀攀 渀攀攀搀 琀漀 愀洀攀氀椀漀爀愀琀攀 琀栀攀 氀漀琀 漀昀 洀椀氀氀椀漀渀猀 漀昀 攀砀瀀氀漀椀琀攀搀 瀀攀爀猀漀渀猀 戀攀氀漀渀最椀渀最 琀漀 琀栀攀 猀挀栀攀搀甀氀攀搀 挀氀愀猀猀攀猀⸀ 䘀漀爀 猀甀挀栀 愀 瀀甀爀瀀漀猀攀 琀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 挀愀氀氀猀 甀瀀漀渀 琀栀攀 䌀攀渀琀爀愀氀 愀渀搀 匀琀愀琀攀 最漀瘀攀爀渀洀攀渀琀猀 琀漀 攀愀爀洀愀爀欀 猀瀀攀挀椀愀氀 昀甀渀搀猀⸀ 䈀攀猀椀搀攀猀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 猀琀愀琀攀 最漀瘀攀爀渀洀攀渀琀猀 猀栀漀甀氀搀 愀氀氀漀琀 猀甀昀昀椀挀椀攀渀琀 昀甀渀搀猀 椀渀 琀栀攀椀爀 爀攀猀瀀攀挀琀椀瘀攀 戀甀搀最攀琀猀 昀漀爀 最椀瘀椀渀最 昀爀攀攀 爀攀猀椀搀攀渀琀椀愀氀 瀀氀漀琀猀 戀漀琀栀 椀渀 琀栀攀 甀爀戀愀渀 愀渀搀 爀甀爀愀氀 愀爀攀愀猀 琀漀 琀栀攀 匀挀栀攀搀甀氀攀搀 䌀愀猀琀攀猀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        The Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal also calls for the rapid diversification of farming. The shortcomings in the Land Reforms Laws should be removed, rapid industrialization of the State ensured, credit facilities for the medium industries expanded and unemployment allowance given to those who are unemployed. For remunerative farming, perceptible reduction should be made in the prices of farm machinery like tractors, tubewells, as also of the inputs.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㰀椀㸀刀攀猀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀 一漀⸀ 㐀㰀⼀椀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        This huge gathering of the Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal regrets the discrimination to which the Punjabi language is being subjected in the adjoining States of Himāchal, Haryāṇā, Jammū and Kashmīr, Delhi, etc. It is its firm demand that in accordance with the Nehrū Language Formula, the neighbouring States of Punjab should give 'second' language status to Punjabi because fairly large sections of their respective population are Punjabi-speaking.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㰀椀㸀刀攀猀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀 一漀⸀ 㔀㰀⼀椀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        The meeting regrets that against the 'claims' of the refugees who had migrated to Jammū and Kashmīr as a result of the partition of the country, no compensation had been provided to them even after such a long time and these unfortunate refugees have been rotting in the camps ever since then. This Akālī Dal session, therefore, forcefully demands that their claims should be settled soon and immediate steps should be taken to rehabilitate them even if it involves an amendment to section 370 of the Constitution.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㰀椀㸀刀攀猀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀 一漀⸀ 㘀㰀⼀椀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        The 18th session of the All-India Akālī Conference takes strong exception to the discrimination to which the minorities in other states are being subjected and the way in which their interests are being ignored.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀䄀猀 猀甀挀栀Ⰰ 椀琀 搀攀洀愀渀搀猀 琀栀愀琀 椀渀樀甀猀琀椀挀攀 愀最愀椀渀猀琀 琀栀攀 匀椀欀栀猀 椀渀 漀琀栀攀爀 猀琀愀琀攀猀 猀栀漀甀氀搀 戀攀 瘀愀挀愀琀攀搀 愀渀搀 瀀爀漀瀀攀爀 爀攀瀀爀攀猀攀渀琀愀琀椀漀渀 猀栀漀甀氀搀 戀攀 最椀瘀攀渀 琀栀攀洀 椀渀 最漀瘀攀爀渀洀攀渀琀 猀攀爀瘀椀挀攀Ⰰ 氀漀挀愀氀 戀漀搀椀攀猀 愀渀搀 猀琀愀琀攀 氀攀最椀猀氀愀琀甀爀攀猀Ⰰ 琀栀爀漀甀最栀 渀漀洀椀渀愀琀椀漀渀猀Ⰰ 椀昀 渀攀攀搀 戀攀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        Resolution No. 7

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀吀栀攀 ㄀㠀琀栀 猀攀猀猀椀漀渀 漀昀 琀栀攀 䄀氀氀ⴀ䤀渀搀椀愀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䌀漀渀昀攀爀攀渀挀攀 渀漀琀攀猀 眀椀琀栀 猀愀琀椀猀昀愀挀琀椀漀渀 琀栀愀琀 洀攀挀栀愀渀椀稀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 昀愀爀洀椀渀最 椀渀 琀栀攀 挀漀甀渀琀爀礀 栀愀猀 氀攀搀 琀漀 椀渀挀爀攀愀猀攀 椀渀 琀栀攀 昀愀爀洀 礀椀攀氀搀 愀渀搀 愀猀 愀 爀攀猀甀氀琀 琀栀攀 挀漀甀渀琀爀礀 椀猀 栀攀愀搀椀渀最 琀漀眀愀爀搀猀 猀攀氀昀ⴀ猀甀昀昀椀挀椀攀渀挀礀 椀渀 昀漀漀搀最爀愀椀渀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        However, the session feels that poor farmers are unable to take to mechanization because of the enormity of the cost involved.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀䄀猀 猀甀挀栀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀椀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 甀爀最攀猀 甀瀀漀渀 琀栀攀 䜀漀瘀攀爀渀洀攀渀琀 漀昀 䤀渀搀椀愀 琀漀 愀戀漀氀椀猀栀 琀栀攀 攀砀挀椀猀攀 搀甀琀礀 漀渀 琀爀愀挀琀漀爀猀Ⰰ 猀漀 琀栀愀琀 眀椀琀栀 琀栀攀 搀攀挀爀攀愀猀攀 椀渀 琀栀攀椀爀 瀀爀椀挀攀猀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 猀洀愀氀氀攀爀 昀愀爀洀攀爀猀 洀愀礀 愀氀猀漀 戀攀 愀戀氀攀 琀漀 愀瘀愀椀氀 琀栀攀洀猀攀氀瘀攀猀 漀昀 昀愀爀洀 洀愀挀栀椀渀攀爀礀 愀渀搀 挀漀渀琀爀椀戀甀琀攀 琀漀 椀渀挀爀攀愀猀攀 椀渀 愀最爀椀挀甀氀琀甀爀愀氀 瀀爀漀搀甀挀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 挀漀甀渀琀爀礀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        Resolution No. 8

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀吀栀椀猀 挀漀渀昀攀爀攀渀挀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 匀栀椀爀漀洀愀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䄀欀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀氀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䐀愀氀 愀瀀瀀攀愀氀猀 琀漀 琀栀攀 䌀攀渀琀爀愀氀 愀渀搀 匀琀愀琀攀 最漀瘀攀爀渀洀攀渀琀猀 琀漀 瀀愀礀 瀀愀爀琀椀挀甀氀愀爀 愀琀琀攀渀琀椀漀渀 琀漀 琀栀攀 瀀漀漀爀 愀渀搀 氀愀戀漀甀爀椀渀最 挀氀愀猀猀攀猀 愀渀搀 搀攀洀愀渀搀猀 琀栀愀琀 戀攀猀椀搀攀猀 洀愀欀椀渀最 猀甀椀琀愀戀氀攀 愀洀攀渀搀洀攀渀琀猀 椀渀 琀栀攀 䴀椀渀椀洀甀洀 圀愀最攀猀 䄀挀琀Ⰰ 猀甀椀琀愀戀氀攀 氀攀最愀氀 猀琀攀瀀猀 戀攀 琀愀欀攀渀 琀漀 椀洀瀀爀漀瘀攀 琀栀攀 攀挀漀渀漀洀椀挀 氀漀琀 漀昀 琀栀攀 氀愀戀漀甀爀椀渀最 挀氀愀猀猀Ⰰ 琀漀 攀渀愀戀氀攀 椀琀 琀漀 氀攀愀搀 愀 爀攀猀瀀攀挀琀愀戀氀攀 氀椀昀攀 愀渀搀 瀀氀愀礀 愀 甀猀攀昀甀氀 爀漀氀攀 椀渀 琀栀攀 爀愀瀀椀搀 椀渀搀甀猀琀爀椀愀氀椀稀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 琀栀攀 挀漀甀渀琀爀礀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        Resolution No. 9

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀吀栀椀猀 猀攀猀猀椀漀渀 猀攀攀欀猀 瀀攀爀洀椀猀猀椀漀渀 昀爀漀洀 琀栀攀 䜀漀瘀攀爀渀洀攀渀琀 漀昀 䤀渀搀椀愀 琀漀 椀渀猀琀愀氀氀 愀 戀爀漀愀搀挀愀猀琀椀渀最 猀琀愀琀椀漀渀 愀琀 琀栀攀 䜀漀氀搀攀渀 吀攀洀瀀氀攀Ⰰ 䄀洀爀椀琀猀愀爀Ⰰ 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 爀攀氀愀礀 漀昀 䜀甀爀戀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀☀⌀㜀㜀㔀㄀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀 䬀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀爀琀愀渀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 猀瀀椀爀椀琀甀愀氀 猀愀琀椀猀昀愀挀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 琀栀漀猀攀 匀椀欀栀猀 眀栀漀 愀爀攀 氀椀瘀椀渀最 椀渀 昀漀爀攀椀最渀 氀愀渀搀猀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        The session wishes to make it clear that the entire cost of the proposed broadcasting project would be borne by the Khālsā Panth and its over all control shall vest with the Indian Government. It is hoped that the Government would have no hesitation in conceding this demand after due consideration.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㰀椀㸀刀攀猀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀 一漀⸀ ㄀ 㰀⼀椀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        This mammoth gathering of the Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal strongly urges upon the Government of India to make necessary amendments in the following enactments for the benefit of the agricultural classes who have toiled hard for the sake of larger national interests :

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㄀⸀ ऀ䠀椀渀搀甀 匀甀挀挀攀猀猀椀漀渀 䄀挀琀 戀攀 猀甀椀琀愀戀氀礀 愀洀攀渀搀攀搀 琀漀 攀渀愀戀氀攀 愀 眀漀洀愀渀 琀漀 最攀琀 爀椀最栀琀猀 漀昀 椀渀栀攀爀椀琀愀渀挀攀 ऀ椀渀 琀栀攀 瀀爀漀瀀攀爀琀椀攀猀 漀昀 栀攀爀 昀愀琀栀攀爀ⴀ椀渀ⴀ氀愀眀 椀渀猀琀攀愀搀 漀昀 琀栀攀 昀愀琀栀攀爀✀猀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        2. The agricultural lands of the farmers should be completely exempted from the Wealth Tax and the Estate Duty.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀㰀椀㸀刀攀猀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀 一漀⸀ ㄀㄀㰀⼀椀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        This vast gathering of the Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal strongly impresses upon the Government of India that keeping in view the economic backwardness of the scheduled and non-scheduled castes, provisions proportionate to their population should be made in the budget for utilization for their welfare. A special ministry should be created at the Centre as a practical measure to render justice to them on the basis of reservation.

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀吀栀攀 猀攀猀猀椀漀渀 愀氀猀漀 挀愀氀氀猀 甀瀀漀渀 琀栀攀 最漀瘀攀爀渀洀攀渀琀 琀栀愀琀 椀渀 欀攀攀瀀椀渀最 眀椀琀栀 琀栀攀 猀攀琀琀氀攀洀攀渀琀 愀氀爀攀愀搀礀 洀愀搀攀Ⰰ 渀漀 搀椀猀挀爀椀洀椀渀愀琀椀漀渀 猀栀漀甀氀搀 戀攀 洀愀搀攀 戀攀琀眀攀攀渀 琀栀攀 匀椀欀栀 愀渀搀 䠀椀渀搀甀 䠀愀爀椀樀愀渀猀 椀渀 愀渀礀 瀀愀爀琀 漀昀 琀栀攀 挀漀甀渀琀爀礀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ

        Resolution No. 12

਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀☀渀戀猀瀀㬀吀栀攀 䌀漀渀最爀攀猀猀 最漀瘀攀爀渀洀攀渀琀 椀猀 挀愀氀氀攀搀 甀瀀漀渀 琀漀 瘀愀挀愀琀攀 琀栀攀 最爀漀猀猀 椀渀樀甀猀琀椀挀攀Ⰰ 搀椀猀挀爀椀洀椀渀愀琀椀漀渀 搀漀渀攀 琀漀 倀甀渀樀愀戀 椀渀 琀栀攀 搀椀猀琀爀椀戀甀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 刀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀瘀☀⌀㈀㤀㤀ⴀ䈀攀☀⌀㈀㔀㜀猀 眀愀琀攀爀猀⸀ 吀栀攀 䌀攀渀琀爀愀氀 最漀瘀攀爀渀洀攀渀琀 洀甀猀琀 愀氀猀漀 最椀瘀攀 愀瀀瀀爀漀瘀愀氀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 椀洀洀攀搀椀愀琀攀 攀猀琀愀戀氀椀猀栀洀攀渀琀 漀昀 猀椀砀 猀甀最愀爀 愀渀搀 昀漀甀爀 琀攀砀琀椀氀攀 洀椀氀氀猀 椀渀 倀甀渀樀愀戀 猀漀 琀栀愀琀 琀栀攀 匀琀愀琀攀 洀愀礀 戀攀 愀戀氀攀 琀漀 椀洀瀀氀攀洀攀渀琀 椀琀猀 愀最爀漀ⴀ椀渀搀甀猀琀爀椀愀氀 瀀漀氀椀挀礀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀഀ ਍㰀瀀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䈀䤀䈀∀㸀ഀഀ BIBLIOGRAPHY

  1. Gurmit Singh, History of Sikh Struggles, vol. I. Delhi, 1989
    ਍㰀氀椀 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀䌀㄀∀㸀 䜀漀瀀愀氀 匀椀渀最栀Ⰰ 㰀椀㸀䄀 䠀椀猀琀漀爀礀 漀昀 琀栀攀 匀椀欀栀 倀攀漀瀀氀攀⸀ 㰀⼀椀㸀 䐀攀氀栀椀Ⰰ ㄀㤀㜀㤀㰀䈀刀㸀ഀഀ

Mahārājā Amarinder Siṅgh

਍㰀⼀昀漀渀琀㸀ഀഀ ਍㰀⼀䠀吀䴀䰀㸀㰀⼀䈀伀䐀夀㸀ഀഀ